> Press Releases > July 31, 2002
July 31, 2002
On August 1, the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (Chairman: Yoshihide Munekuni) will begin accepting exhibit applications for the 37th Tokyo Motor Show - Passenger Cars & Motorcycles - (2003), which will be held at Makuhari Messe (Nippon Convention Center) in Chiba for 13 days, from October 24 (Friday) to November 5 (Wednesday), 2003. The deadline for applications is October 18 (Friday), 2002.
Exhibit application documents were forwarded at the end of July to Exhibitors from Japan and overseas that participated in the 35th Tokyo Motor Show - Passenger Cars & Motorcycles - (2001), as well as to Automobile Industry Federations in various countries and organizations hosting motor shows throughout the world, and to foreign embassies in Japan.
The 37th Motor Show will make use of Makuhari Messe’s International Exhibition Halls (Halls 1-11), as well as the Event Hall, the International Conference Hall, and outdoor exhibition space. The scheduled area allocated to exhibits will be about 42,000 m2, or roughly the same as the previous 35th Tokyo Motor Show in 2001.
The previous Show featured exhibits by 272 companies from 13 countries* including Japan, along with six governments and two organizations, and welcomed 1,276,900 visitors over the 13 public show days.
The 37th Tokyo Motor Show in 2003 will be the first “Passenger Cars & Motorcycles” show to be held since the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association merged with the Japan Motor Industrial Federation (the former organizer of the Tokyo Motor Show) in May 2002.
The theme of the 37th Motor Show is “The Challenge: Driving toward a Better Future.”
Since entering the 21st Century, the global automotive industry has been faced with a wide range of issues, including growing alliances and group mergers between manufacturers, efforts targeting global environmental problems, the integration of automobiles and information technologies, and demands for more advanced safety technologies, in addition to diversifying user needs and greater demands for customer satisfaction.
The above theme is an expression of our belief that a stance of continually meeting these challenges head-on will lead to hope and confidence for the future, and our desire to share this belief with others. By doing so, we at the Tokyo Motor Show will continue to respond to the needs of society, and at the same time to evolve and send out new messages for the future.
For inquires regarding exhibits, please contact:
Exhibition Group, Tokyo Motor Show Dept.
Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA)
Tel: +81-3 –3211- 8875
* Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Korea, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K., U.S.A., Japan